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Interpersonal Hypnotherapy

Writer's picture: Faith Bouie, CIHtFaith Bouie, CIHt

Updated: Dec 15, 2018

By: Faith Bouie, CIHt

Founded by Matthew Brownstein, CIHt, author and CEO of IIH, Interpersonal Hypnotherapy highlights the major theme of relationships, and the importance of those which are held deep within the subconscious mind. In hypnotherapy, we acknowledge that there are various ego states that exist within the individual that are commonly known as the inner child, inner parent and inner adult. All three of these states play a major role in how we function in our waking reality through the templates by which are created early on through childhood experiences.

When things happen to us when we are younger, false beliefs about ourselves are held as a result. Beliefs, therefore lead to emotions, and emotions produce behavioral holding patterns within the subconsciousness of the child and unhealthy adult (when left unresolved). In hypnotherapy, age-regression to the ISE (Initial Sensitizing Event) of an event is the most common modality that is used to help resolve most issues held within the client; however, as we shift our focus more deeply into the relationships that are held between the inner child and parent during the ISE, we find that profound changes in healing occur as a result.

This is where Interpersonal Hypnotherapy comes into play. As Interpersonal Hypnotherapists, our primary focus of healing becomes the Initial Sensitizing Relationship (ISR) that is held within the client, where we understand that there is only one true reality, and that is Oneness.

When a child suffers in the light of an event without the condolence of the parent, the fallacy of separation is born into the child’s programing, as they work to move through the event with the best tools that they have to work with at the time. And yet, a very interesting phenomenon occurs within the child as this takes place. The phenomenon of separation occurs within the subconsciousness of the child, as well, as two ego states are born from the experience: that of the child and that of the parent. This splitting of the ego occurs within the child, as the ego’s way of protecting and coping with that which is being mirrored on a surface and tangible level.

Healing the split which occurs within the ego becomes our primary focus of attention, where the inner parent-inner child conflict is paced and led through significant modalities (EMT, Regression, Breathwork, etc.) highlighting the importance of building understanding, commonality, acceptance, forgiveness and compassion between the two states of mind.

While healing the memory is a major factor when it comes to creating profound change within the client, the relationships that are engraved and instilled within us from the events of our past, are truly what serve as the inner compasses by which we use to associate (and dissociate) ourselves in our everyday relations with life and with others.

We are only the extent of our inner experience, and yet, while this notion is very true, one must ask herself who is actually living the experience?

Many people are unaware of the splitting which occurs within the mind when events of the past take place. As a result, they live their life through these states without ever truly realizing who they’re experiencing it through. The misidentification of one’s self and intentions can lead one to continue on living from the same platform of being for many, many years. By bypassing the conscious mind and gaining access to these states of ego, we bring awareness to our clients. We gift them with the knowledge and understanding that life is multilayered and multidimensional in respects to the phenomena that are created through the subconscious, inner experience. This knowledge serves as the first step in one recognizing one’s own inner processes, and it therefore opens one to the awareness of the Self beyond the self.

The Interpersonal Hypnotherapist’s relationship that she holds with her client is sacred in every respect of the word. She acknowledges the client before her as perfect, whole and complete, regardless of the beliefs that he carries about himself. It is understood that there is a greater reality that exists beyond the notion of our own, at times. The greater consciousness which governs our ways, is too governed by the one and only great truth that really exists: that all is truly One, and that all is truly Love. This philosophy feeds the bond that is gained between the Interpersonal Hypnotherapist and her client. And it is thus in this regard, can she feel what her client feels and relate how her client relates under any given circumstance. In this way, her work is intuitively that much more effective in creating the profound shift that is needed within her client.

It is this agreement which allows us to build deeper bonds with our clients as Interpersonal Hypnotherapists, and it is when our clients feel safe, may these deeper states of consciousness be reached. When great shifts can occur on profound levels of processing, healing thus becomes a more eminent reality.

Ultimately the journey and return back to Love serves as the truth for all Souls, old and new. It is important to remember this, as forgetfulness is a very necessary part of the process of returning. As hypnotherapists and Interpersonal Hypnotherapists, The Return to Love becomes the very model and principle by which we follow in guiding and helping our clients out of the awareness of separation and into Oneness consciousness. For we understand that all suffering stem from the concept of feeling separate and indifferent to that which is being experienced before us in our everyday living. When we heal the relationships that are occurring on a deeper level of processing within us, a greater phenomenon occurs within our waking reality that we can truly appreciate. The relationships within are thus mirrored out in our physical reality in a healthier fashion that is rooted in love and sincerity, and our relationship with life is a healthy one that is no longer based in the notion of separation and fear.

We return to love in this way, and therefore are surrounded by the only truth that there is. That truth is always Love.



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